Temporada de anidación 2020 - 2021*
Tropical Eastern Pacific Leatherback Turtle nesting in PNMBSpotila et al. 2020
* Park boundaries for reference use only.
Focal Elements of management
Las Baulas National Marine Park is more than leatherbacks! The park protects multiple ecosystems managed in focal elements:
NEsting Beaches
Playa Grande, Playa Ventanas and Playa Langosta are important nesting beaches for leatherback turtles on the Tropical Eastern Pacific (Steyermark, A. et al. 1996). Different threats are affecting the area, but the Park protection of 175 meters alongside the beaches, let a "green curtain" (vegetation) to protect the nesting turtles from light and sound pollution from the human development done inland.
Wetlands & Mangrove Forest
Las Baulas Park protects 3 different wetlands, included the Tamarindo Wetland, a Ramsar Site of International Importance! This place is important for migratory birds, mammals, reptiles as black iguanas or the american crocodile and birds like the endemic mangrove hummingbird (Amazilia boucardi). San Francisco wetland and Ventanas estuary are also part of this ecosystem.
Tropical Dry Forest
Morro Hermoso (Beautiful hill in Spanish) and the beachfront vegetation are the main patches of tropical dry forest in Las Baulas National Marine Park. This secondary forest is in regeneration as it was formerly used by cattle. Birds as the long-tailed manakin, mammals as the lowland paca, reptiles, lots of insects and even several amphibians and orchids are part of this endangered ecosystem.
Marine Area
The Tamarindo Bay and 12 nautical miles from the coast are being protected from different human activities as industrial fishing. Not only sea turtles use the benthic and neritic systems to move around, it is also used by sharks, sea snakes, rays, cetaceans and even unknown marine fauna. Plastic is unfortunately affecting the total ecosystem, as its impacts does not only go to be eaten by wildlife, also increasing global warming.
Park Regulations*
Please make any report to +506 2653-0470 ext. 101 or call 1192.
* Regulations based on Executive Decree N° 36918-MINAET